International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds

Countries Weeds Herbicides Mutations Graphs References Researchers

Status of Herbicide Resistance in Kansas - Dallas Peterson : January, 2014

Herbicide resistance is a major issue in Kansas, with documented resistance in 13 species to five different herbicide sites of action. Weed resistance to PSII inhibitors, ALS-inhibitors, and glyphosate are most common. Multiple resistance has been documented in some cases and is a primary concern. Weed species with documented resistance to multiple classes of herbicides include Palmer amaranth, waterhemp, kochia, and horseweed.

Herbicide Resistant Weeds in Kansas, United States.
#YearSpeciesSite of ActionActivesContacts
1 1070Kochia1976Kochia scoparia
United States
KansasKS PSII inhibitors - Serine 264 Binders (C1 C2/5) PSII inhibitors - Serine 264 Binders (C1 C2/5) atrazine Dallas Peterson
2 1042Kochia1987Kochia scoparia
United States
Kansas  Inhibition of Acetolactate Synthase (B/2) Inhibition of Acetolactate Synthase (B/2) chlorsulfuron Curtis Thompson
3 332Palmer Amaranth1993Amaranthus palmeri
Palmer Amaranth
United States
Kansas  Inhibition of Acetolactate Synthase (B/2) Inhibition of Acetolactate Synthase (B/2) imazethapyr Dallas Peterson
4 333Tall Waterhemp1995Amaranthus tuberculatus (=A. rudis)
Tall Waterhemp
United States
Kansas  Inhibition of Acetolactate Synthase (B/2) Inhibition of Acetolactate Synthase (B/2) imazethapyr, thifensulfuron-methyl Dallas Peterson
5 1038Tall Waterhemp1995Amaranthus tuberculatus (=A. rudis)
Tall Waterhemp
United States
Kansas  PSII inhibitors - Serine 264 Binders (C1 C2/5) PSII inhibitors - Serine 264 Binders (C1 C2/5) atrazine Dallas Peterson
6 1039Redroot Pigweed1995Amaranthus retroflexus
Redroot Pigweed
United States
Kansas  PSII inhibitors - Serine 264 Binders (C1 C2/5) PSII inhibitors - Serine 264 Binders (C1 C2/5) atrazine Kassim Al-Khatib, Curtis Thompson
7 1040Palmer Amaranth1995Amaranthus palmeri
Palmer Amaranth
United States
Kansas  PSII inhibitors - Serine 264 Binders (C1 C2/5) PSII inhibitors - Serine 264 Binders (C1 C2/5) atrazine Curtis Thompson, Dallas Peterson
8 499Common Sunflower1996Helianthus annuus
Common Sunflower
United States
Kansas  Inhibition of Acetolactate Synthase (B/2) Inhibition of Acetolactate Synthase (B/2) imazethapyr Kassim Al-Khatib, Dallas Peterson
9 500Shattercane1996Sorghum bicolor
United States
Kansas  Inhibition of Acetolactate Synthase (B/2) Inhibition of Acetolactate Synthase (B/2) imazamox, nicosulfuron, primisulfuron-methyl Curtis Thompson, Dallas Peterson, Vipan Kumar
10 1041Common cocklebur1997Xanthium strumarium
Common cocklebur
United States
Kansas  Inhibition of Acetolactate Synthase (B/2) Inhibition of Acetolactate Synthase (B/2) chlorimuron-ethyl, imazethapyr Dallas Peterson
11 5112Tall Waterhemp2001Amaranthus tuberculatus (=A. rudis)
Tall Waterhemp
United States
Kansas  Inhibition of Acetolactate Synthase (B/2), Inhibition of Protoporphyrinogen Oxidase (E/14) Multiple Resistance: 2 Sites of Action
Inhibition of Acetolactate Synthase (B/2)
Inhibition of Protoporphyrinogen Oxidase (E/14)
acifluorfen, chlorimuron-ethyl, fomesafen, imazethapyr, lactofen, thifensulfuron-methyl Kassim Al-Khatib, Dallas Peterson
12 5308Horseweed2005Conyza canadensis
United States
KansasKansas Inhibition of Enolpyruvyl Shikimate Phosphate Synthase (G/9) Inhibition of Enolpyruvyl Shikimate Phosphate Synthase (G/9) glyphosate Kassim Al-Khatib, Dallas Peterson
13 5448Bushy Wallflower2005Erysimum repandum
Bushy Wallflower
United States
Kansas  Inhibition of Acetolactate Synthase (B/2) Inhibition of Acetolactate Synthase (B/2) chlorsulfuron, imazamox, metsulfuron-methyl, propoxycarbazone-Na, sulfosulfuron, triasulfuron, tribenuron-methyl Dallas Peterson
14 5307Tall Waterhemp2006Amaranthus tuberculatus (=A. rudis)
Tall Waterhemp
United States
Kansas  Inhibition of Enolpyruvyl Shikimate Phosphate Synthase (G/9) Inhibition of Enolpyruvyl Shikimate Phosphate Synthase (G/9) glyphosate Kassim Al-Khatib, Dallas Peterson
15 5404Flixweed2006Descurainia sophia
United States
Kansas  Inhibition of Acetolactate Synthase (B/2) Inhibition of Acetolactate Synthase (B/2) chlorsulfuron, imazamox, metsulfuron-methyl, pyroxsulam, sulfosulfuron, triasulfuron, tribenuron-methyl Dallas Peterson
16 5304Giant Ragweed2006Ambrosia trifida
Giant Ragweed
United States
Kansas  Inhibition of Enolpyruvyl Shikimate Phosphate Synthase (G/9) Inhibition of Enolpyruvyl Shikimate Phosphate Synthase (G/9) glyphosate Kassim Al-Khatib, Dallas Peterson
17 5305Common Ragweed2007Ambrosia artemisiifolia
Common Ragweed
United States
Kansas  Inhibition of Enolpyruvyl Shikimate Phosphate Synthase (G/9) Inhibition of Enolpyruvyl Shikimate Phosphate Synthase (G/9) glyphosate Kassim Al-Khatib, Dallas Peterson
18 5446Cheat (Rye Brome)2007Bromus secalinus
Cheat (Rye Brome)
United States
Kansas  Inhibition of Acetolactate Synthase (B/2) Inhibition of Acetolactate Synthase (B/2) imazamox, propoxycarbazone-Na, pyroxsulam, sulfosulfuron Dallas Peterson
19 5447Japanese Brome2007Bromus japonicus
Japanese Brome
United States
Kansas  Inhibition of Acetolactate Synthase (B/2) Inhibition of Acetolactate Synthase (B/2) imazamox, propoxycarbazone-Na, pyroxsulam, sulfosulfuron Dallas Peterson
20 5470Kochia2007Kochia scoparia
United States
Kansas  Inhibition of Enolpyruvyl Shikimate Phosphate Synthase (G/9) Inhibition of Enolpyruvyl Shikimate Phosphate Synthase (G/9) glyphosate Curtis Thompson, Phillip Stahlman
21 5705Palmer Amaranth2009Amaranthus palmeri
Palmer Amaranth
United States
Kansas  Inhibition of Acetolactate Synthase (B/2), Inhibition of Hydroxyphenyl Pyruvate Dioxygenase (F2/27), PSII inhibitors - Serine 264 Binders (C1 C2/5) Multiple Resistance: 3 Sites of Action
Inhibition of Acetolactate Synthase (B/2)
Inhibition of Hydroxyphenyl Pyruvate Dioxygenase (F2/27)
PSII inhibitors - Serine 264 Binders (C1 C2/5)
atrazine, mesotrione, pyrasulfotole, tembotrione, thifensulfuron-methyl, topramezone Curtis Thompson
22 7806Horseweed2011Conyza canadensis
United States
Kansas  Inhibition of Acetolactate Synthase (B/2) Inhibition of Acetolactate Synthase (B/2) chlorsulfuron, iodosulfuron-methyl-Na, metsulfuron-methyl, rimsulfuron, thiencarbazone-methyl, thifensulfuron-methyl, tribenuron-methyl Dallas Peterson
23 5704Palmer Amaranth2011Amaranthus palmeri
Palmer Amaranth
United States
Kansas  Inhibition of Enolpyruvyl Shikimate Phosphate Synthase (G/9) Inhibition of Enolpyruvyl Shikimate Phosphate Synthase (G/9) glyphosate Dallas Peterson
24 10972Kochia2013Kochia scoparia
United States
Kansas  Auxin Mimics (O/4), Inhibition of Acetolactate Synthase (B/2), Inhibition of Enolpyruvyl Shikimate Phosphate Synthase (G/9), PSII inhibitors - Serine 264 Binders (C1 C2/5) Multiple Resistance: 4 Sites of Action
Auxin Mimics (O/4)
Inhibition of Acetolactate Synthase (B/2)
Inhibition of Enolpyruvyl Shikimate Phosphate Synthase (G/9)
PSII inhibitors - Serine 264 Binders (C1 C2/5)
atrazine, chlorsulfuron, dicamba, glyphosate Randall Currie, Amar Godar, Vijay Varanasi, Mithila Jugulam
25 10973Kochia2013Kochia scoparia
United States
Kansas  Auxin Mimics (O/4), Inhibition of Enolpyruvyl Shikimate Phosphate Synthase (G/9) Multiple Resistance: 2 Sites of Action
Auxin Mimics (O/4)
Inhibition of Enolpyruvyl Shikimate Phosphate Synthase (G/9)
dicamba, fluroxypyr, glyphosate Randall Currie, Phillip Stahlman, David Brachtenbach, Vipan Kumar
26 10970Henbit Deadnettle2014Lamium amplexicaule
Henbit Deadnettle
United States
Kansas  Inhibition of Acetolactate Synthase (B/2) Inhibition of Acetolactate Synthase (B/2) chlorsulfuron, propoxycarbazone-Na Dallas Peterson, Amar Godar, Vijay Varanasi, Doug Shoup, Mithila Jugulam
27 18157Palmer Amaranth2015Amaranthus palmeri
Palmer Amaranth
United States
Kansas  Auxin Mimics (O/4), Inhibition of Acetolactate Synthase (B/2), Inhibition of Enolpyruvyl Shikimate Phosphate Synthase (G/9), Inhibition of Hydroxyphenyl Pyruvate Dioxygenase (F2/27), PSII inhibitors - Serine 264 Binders (C1 C2/5) Multiple Resistance: 5 Sites of Action
Auxin Mimics (O/4)
Inhibition of Acetolactate Synthase (B/2)
Inhibition of Enolpyruvyl Shikimate Phosphate Synthase (G/9)
Inhibition of Hydroxyphenyl Pyruvate Dioxygenase (F2/27)
PSII inhibitors - Serine 264 Binders (C1 C2/5)
2,4-D, atrazine, chlorsulfuron, glyphosate, mesotrione Phillip Stahlman, Vipan Kumar, Rui Liu
28 18151Palmer Amaranth2018Amaranthus palmeri
Palmer Amaranth
United States
Kansas  Auxin Mimics (O/4) Auxin Mimics (O/4) 2,4-D Dallas Peterson, Mithila Jugulam, Chandrima Shyam
29 24257Palmer Amaranth2021Amaranthus palmeri
Palmer Amaranth
United States
Kansas  Auxin Mimics (O/4), Inhibition of Acetolactate Synthase (B/2), Inhibition of Enolpyruvyl Shikimate Phosphate Synthase (G/9), Inhibition of Hydroxyphenyl Pyruvate Dioxygenase (F2/27), Inhibition of Protoporphyrinogen Oxidase (E/14), PSII inhibitors - Serine 264 Binders (C1 C2/5) Multiple Resistance: 6 Sites of Action
Auxin Mimics (O/4)
Inhibition of Acetolactate Synthase (B/2)
Inhibition of Enolpyruvyl Shikimate Phosphate Synthase (G/9)
Inhibition of Hydroxyphenyl Pyruvate Dioxygenase (F2/27)
Inhibition of Protoporphyrinogen Oxidase (E/14)
PSII inhibitors - Serine 264 Binders (C1 C2/5)
2,4-D, atrazine, chlorsulfuron, fomesafen, glyphosate, imazamox, imazethapyr, lactofen, mesotrione, metribuzin, pyrasulfotole, tembotrione, thifensulfuron-methyl Dallas Peterson, Mithila Jugulam, Ednaldo Alexandre Borgato, Chandrima Shyam, Anita Dille
Contributing Weed Scientists
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